Isabel Kraft


German UGC creator


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Get in touch

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Check out my content

Pets & Interior


Animal hair brush

Product demo

Clothes rail

Lifestyle & Well-being

Pack w/me (faceless) Backpacks

Humorous roleplay

CBD oil


Product demo

Leggins & Shoes

Lifestyle & Demo


Travel & Digital Products

Testimonial (english)

e-SIM provider

Role play

Appointment mgt.

Couple content

Personalized canvas

Talking haul Valentines Day

GDWM (organic) Streetwear

Explainer (organic)

Phishing mails

These are some of my

previous brand collaborations ...

... & many more!

... and that’s what my clients say about me

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If you want to join the row of satisfied customers, send me a message and I'll send you my rate card!

Yes, I can take your customer relationship to a new level

> 90% of consumers find UGC helpful in their purchase decisions

UGC based ads achieve 4x higher click-through rates than classic ads


70% of consumers trust recommendations from customers more than a brand's official content

> 85 % of brands use UGC to create authentic content

Let’s create together

content that converts!

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